We were called upon four years ago, inspiration by inspiration, to begin building. We knew it was a Soul Calling but did not know the extent of what we were building - just trusted the process. Every brick was laid with divine guidance, turning all decisions (big or small) over to Spirit. Even when it did not make sense on the earthly realm or in traditional business practices, we still leaped. And so over the last four years, we have built a living invitation of high consciousness business, a bridge from 3D to 5D, old world to new world, fear to love. We invite you to tune in with all of your senses right now and feel the deeper Truths emerging.
When you said YES to your inner guidance leading you here today or say YES to purchasing a bag of Legacy Cacao, you are investing your financial resources, your attention, your intention, and your creation energy (and therefore divine creation energy) into a PARADIGM SHIFT, a MOVEMENT, a BRIDGE TO NEW WORLD. In trusting that guidance, you help to connect a circuit of remembering for all of humanity. We are here as instruments of creation connecting heaven and earth through the frequency of LOVE.
Many lightworkers around the world have been called upon to lead the way, be the tip of the arrow, take the leap, be a beacon of light across all industries. We personally choose to invest our energy and resources in these emerging companies and individuals, including within our own supply chain. Seeing both the earthly value exchange and the energetic investment into building a New Earth. Our particular company happens to be “in the business of cacao.” It is both of and from the Earth, and of and from the Celestial. Where these two forces meet is in the HEART. It is not by accident that cacao is the physical plant medicine for opening the heart and reminding us to return back to our true nature as Love. We invite you to join us in rising out of the fear that has run our lives for so many generations and courageously leap into living from a deeper, connected Truth, Light and Love that unites us all.
We see you. We love you. We are so grateful you are here in this lifetime.