We believe that life is ceremony and love is an action. Full-stop. Period.
We’re committed to living this paradigm with every thought, every conversation, and every choice (personally and professionally).
Legacy Cacao is proof of a new way of doing business.
And not only is this new way of business possible, it’s profitable — for everyone.

Our heart's desire is that Legacy Cacao is a blessing for you and for every single person who contributes to its creation.
We’ve only succeeded if the farmer, the Maya peoples, the fulfillment team, and the customer are inspired, nourished, and elevated.
This is our commitment from seed to sip.

¹ Integrity = Small Batch & Natural Harvest
Now is a time of great rebalancing here on Earth - for all cultures, all systems, all lands. We at Legacy are in a full YES to being a vehicle of that change. First and foremost - returning back to a scale and rhythm of food production that is decided by the land, not the people farming that land or the people buying the goods of the land.
This is why everything is small batch. And when we say supply is limited, we share that out of transparency—not false scarcity that has become so common today.
Our goal as a company is not to rapidly scale cacao production or distribution. It is to be an aligned conduit for this sacred lineage of cacao to reach around the world to exactly where it is meant to reach. To be available to those Souls who are ready to receive this nourishing medicine.

² Integrity = Fair Profit
Legacy Cacao is a Fair Profit company. This means we are committed to bringing you the best products in the world and paying fair profit in collaboration, respect and honor of the people entrusting us with high quality, tradition-rich products. The majority of the profit from Legacy Cacao remains in Central America with the guardian, women farmers, and artisans.
Fair Profit is not about a hand out or a hand up. Fair Profit is simple. When you are privileged with a product that is the best in the world like Legacy Cacao, then the people who make it deserve the majority of the profit. This is a royal, legacy cacao that is over 3,000 years old. The people who have protected the land, this sacred plant, the farming and processing traditions are blessing us. The company structure has to reflect that.