The Science-Backed
Benefits of Cacao
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What makes Legacy Cacao different than other cacao?
Legacy Cacao goes through many transformations before it ends up in your beautiful hand-made bag. We consider the process a powerful metamorphosis, like a caterpillar whirling out of its cocoon. Just as the mother butterfly lays the egg that will become the caterpillar, the grandmother trees begin the evolution of Legacy. These trees have an ancient lineage, rooted in the soil connected to mother earth, where every one of our story’s begin.
Unless you have tried raw cacao by cracking a pod open and tasting the white pulp that surrounds the seed, all cacao you have ever consumed in the form of chocolate has been fermented.
There are many structural and chemical changes that occur during the fermentation process and this is what transforms cacao into a more complex, living, nutrient dense food.
Each stage of Legacy’s process from plant to bag is completely unique. This is a rare Criollo strain of ceremonial cacao, protected by the Maya peoples for millennia. What also allows the true essence of this cacao to enter our bodies is the careful and deliberate full fermentation and low temperature roasting process that follows the harvest. This allows Legacy Cacao to remain in an active natural state and it is then combined with a rare strain of potent vanilla, a small amount of panela and intentional Mayan spices. A superfood for the body and mind.
What is the difference between cacao powder I can buy at the grocery store and Ceremonial Cacao?
Ceremonial cacao is much more nutritionally dense and its wild fermentation process diversifies your gut microbiome. Our ceremonial cacao is also made from the whole bean, including the naturally occurring cocoa butter. It’s like comparing ground peanut shells (store-bought cocoa powder) to scrumptious peanut butter (Legacy Cacao).
Is there such a thing as raw chocolate or raw cacao?
All plant food begins in a raw state, however raw cacao is not a chocolate product. True raw cacao is a fatty, bitter seed surrounded by fruit pulp. What is being sold as “raw” cacao is fermented cacao and then typically roasted at a much lower temperature than many commercial-grade chocolate products that roast at high heat. This allows it to stay in an active natural state, but it technically is never truly sold as a raw food. Legacy Cacao undergoes a similar process of natural heap fermentation, sun drying, low-heat roasting, and stone grinding (rather than using high-heat machinery).
Is cacao an antioxidant food?
There is a wide array of scientific literature that suggests that one of the many reasons cacao is so beneficial to human health is that it contains high levels of antioxidants. There is another emerging school of thought that is studying the possibility that rather than cacao simply being packed full of antioxidants, the active compounds in cacao actually create a response in the human body that enhances our natural antioxidant production of glutathione (1), dubbed the “mother of all antioxidants.” by Dr. Mark Hyman (2).
In either case, cacao in its natural form has more flavonoids that contribute to antioxidative power than other super fruit powders including acai, blueberry, pomegranate, and cranberry. (3) This same study compared nutrient qualities of dark chocolate to those in hot cocoa mix and found the cocoa mix had significantly lower antioxidative properties. Another worthy conclusion drawn is that not all brands of “super foods” have the same antioxidant or chemical composition. Precisely why the deep intentionality of Legacy Cacao’s process is so imperative to our final product and ensures you are truly receiving the benefits.
What are flavonoids?
Flavonoids are polyphenol phytonutrients found in most edible plants and present visibly as the plant’s pigmentation. That’s why you may have heard the phrase, “eat the rainbow!”
Flavonoids are considered antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-mucigenic, and anti-carcinogenic, as well as have the capacity to modulate key cellular enzyme functions. (4)
Flavanols are a subgroup of flavonoids; this subgroup includes epicatechin, catechin, and procyanidins which natural cacao—a.k.a. low-temperature roasted cacao like Legacy Cacao—is packed full of. Catechins may be one of the most powerful flavonoids for protecting the body against free radicals. Although free radicals are still not fully understood, studies suggest that they cause cell death and inflammatory responses. (4) Hence why we need to consume antioxidants to inhibit damage that can be caused by free radicals!
These three flavanols also have cardioprotective properties. Meaning current literature suggests that cacao may be good for your heart—and in more way than one.
Although many of the scientific literature is quite dense, there are now studies that have created conclusions simple enough for us all to understand. The following article reviews numerous studies that link higher cacao consumption to quite notable cardiovascular health benefits. Many subject groups have been studied; men without diabetes or cardiovascular disease, people with diabetes, non-diabetics that had suffered heart attacks, men and women with no prior cardiovascular issues, middle-aged and elderly women, and more.
What all the experiments have in common is an outcome that shows cacao has positive effects on heart health.
One example from this study is that of people who had suffered a prior heart attack, patients who reported eating chocolate twice weekly were 66% less likely to suffer a cardiac death compared to those who never ate chocolate! (5)
Why choose Legacy for your cacao experience?
In order to receive the numerous benefits of cacao, the product must contain an effective quantity of active compounds.
As the current science in this field explains, flavonoid content varies by the proportion of cocoa liquor present in different types of chocolate, but even within categories there may be significant variation due to differences in cacao bean processing. (5) In one study of commercially available cacao powders, the flavanol content of heavily alkalized cacao was 78.5% lower than that of natural cacao.(7)
And Legacy is not only natural cacao, but it is also infused with the sacred intentional energy of a small group of Maya peoples and Western medicine women who have devoted their lives to protecting this particular Criollo strain of cacao.
We truly believe it is the best cacao on the planet.
How does cacao create a bliss effect in the mind and body?
Cacao contains over 300 active compounds that have effects on our overall feelings of wellbeing. For hundreds of years ancient cultures have revered the benefits of cacao and documented over 100 medicinal uses. (8) In modern scientific literature the compounds considered to have the most notable effects are:
¹ Anandamide, ² Phenylethylamine (PEA), ³ Tryptophan, ⁴ Theobromine, and ⁵ Caffeine.
In isolation and in synergy these powerful constituents manifest a scientifically proven response in the mind and body. Let’s dive into each of these compounds more deeply...

¹ Anandamide
Anandamide (Ananda in Sanskrit means joy, bliss, or happiness) is a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger produced by nerve cells) known as the “bliss chemical,” which is naturally produced in the brain.
Anandaminde is commonly known for being responsible for runner’s high synthesized by the endocannabinoid system. And it can cross the blood brain barrier. (15) Cacao contains the highest amounts of anandamide out of any food source. But unlike endorphins, it can pass through the blood-brain barrier. Anandamide increases after vigorous exercise, after consuming cannabis, and after consuming cacao in its fermented form, just like Legacy is. (7)

² Phenylethylamine
Phenylethylamine (PEA), is a natural antidepressant and one of the chemicals your brain produces when you fall in love.
In the brain, it acts as a stimulant, increasing the actions of the neurotransmitter dopamine and leading to mood enhancement. PEA is found in cacao because of the fermentation process. (7)
Roasting cacao at high temperatures has the potential to damage the benefits of fermentation because of its ability to kill microbes. The Maya peoples intuitively knew that too high of temperatures reduced potency. Legacy Cacao is prepared according to a specific ancient process and is roasted at low temperatures, preserving PEA.

³ Tryptophan
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that cannot be produced by the body and is a precursor for Serotonin (6).
Serotonin is a chemical produced by nerve cells sometimes known as the “happy chemical.” Normal serotonin levels create a sense of calm, happiness, focus, and emotional stability.
Pairing fermented cacao with carbohydrates as Legacy does reduces competition between tryptophan and other amino acids allowing the tryptophan to cross the blood-brain barrier. (9) Legacy Cacao has 19g of carbohydrates per serving, but it may be the flavanol epicatechin that has an even bigger impact on making tryptophan bioavailable. According to this article, epicatechin allows the body to release more insulin. Not only does this research promote the idea that epicatechin can be used as a pre- and type II diabetes treatment, it gives us clues on how compounds in cacao may be able to pass through the blood brain barrier and contribute to our overall wellness.

⁴ Theobromine
Theobromine is an alkaloid that acts as a central nervous system stimulant, diuretic, and smooth muscle relaxant.
It is a key compound in cacao, after all the cacao tree’s scientific name is Theobroma cacao. The Greek meaning of this name is, “food of the gods.”
One of the most frequent benefits noted in current scientific literature is the effect theobromine has on the Vagus nerve. The vagus nerve connects our lungs to our brain. In clinical trials, theobromine has shown promise of its ability to act as a cough suppressant and has shown to benefit patients with asthma. (10)
Energetically we understand that everything connects to breath. In Chinese medicine, grief is the emotion of the lung. The understanding that theobromine has positive effects on the vagus nerve may lead us as individuals to draw deeper conclusions about the benefits of this compound.
Love understanding the science behind this potent plant medicine? Us, too. ☻
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- Blood Brain Barrier article: