How to Prepare Legacy Cacao

Potency begins with Presence.

Then blend.

Step 1

Heat 8 oz of water to just below boiling (~190°F). Ideally source local spring water or well-filtered water.

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Step 2

Measure 1/4 cup of Legacy Cacao.

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Step 3


Measure 1-2 teaspoons of organic ghee or coconut oil.

(Pssst! Our favorites are Goddess Ghee or Radiant Life Coconut Oil)

Curious why we suggest this? See our Preparation FAQs here.

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Step 4

Come into full presence. Breathe. Choose an intention for your day, your relationships, your work, your community, and beyond. Ask the cacao to become a frequency ‘tuning fork’ for your intentions to embody. 

Then, mix and aerate the ingredients together in a high-powered blender (e.g. Vitamix) for approximately 30 seconds until a thick chocolate head forms. 

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Step 5

Pour into your favorite mug. Sip, savor, and allow your sacred chocolate journey to begin. 

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Our heart's desire is that Legacy Cacao is a blessing for you and for every single person who contributes to its creation.

We’ve only succeeded if the farmer, the Maya peoples, the fulfillment team, and the customer are inspired, nourished, and elevated.

This is our commitment from seed to sip.